SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity amongst healthcare workers in South Africa during the Omicron wave: natural infection versus vaccinationDaniel J Hoffmann, Pieter W A Meyer, Catherine M Worsley, Mieke A van der Mescht, A Visser, Tahir S Pillay
16 January 2025
Haemolysis index conundrum in a COVID-19 patientChong Qin Michael Zhao, Jordan Steinberg, Dennise Otero Espinal, Oana Vele
11 July 2024
Autopsy findings from patients diagnosed with COVID-19 demonstrate unique morphological patterns in bone marrow and lymph nodeAli AlJabban, Mark G Evans, Geoffrey G Fell, Jack P Guccione, Robert A Edwards, Geraldine S Pinkus, Robert F Padera, Olga Pozdnyakova, Annette S Kim
8 June 2023
Increasing test specificity without impairing sensitivity: lessons learned from SARS-CoV-2 serologyThomas Perkmann, Thomas Koller, Nicole Perkmann-Nagele, Maria Ozsvar-Kozma, David Eyre, Philippa Matthews, Abbie Bown, Nicole Stoesser, Marie-Kathrin Breyer, Robab Breyer-Kohansal, Otto C Burghuber, Slyvia Hartl, Daniel Aletaha, Daniela Sieghart, Peter Quehenberger
See the full list of authors30 August 2022
57-year-old woman with purpura fulminans and acute kidney injuryTao Su, Qizhuang Jin, Tao Zhao, Suxia Wang
10 December 2021
New autopsy technique in COVID-19 positive dead bodies: opening the thoracic cavity with an outlook to reduce aerosol spreadSomnath Das, Anshuman Roy, Rina Das
14 June 2022
Preparing for the next pandemic: lessons learnt from the implementation of point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 testing in an emergency departmentJames Alan Donnelly, Miriam Russell, Gemma O'Brien, Ian O'Neill, Fidelma Fitzpatrick, Karina O'Connell
16 May 2023
Identification of a protein expression signature distinguishing early from organising diffuse alveolar damage in COVID-19 patientsHelen Ashwin, Luke Milross, Julie Wilson, Joaquim Majo, Jimmy Tsz Hang Lee, Grant Calder, Bethany Hunter, Sally James, Dimitris Lagos, Nathalie Signoret, Andrew Filby, Omer Ali Bayraktar, Andrew J Fisher, Paul M Kaye
9 March 2023
Coronial postmortem reports and indirect COVID-19 pandemic-related mortalityRobert Pell, S Kim Suvarna, Nigel Cooper, Guy Rutty, Anna Green, Michael Osborn, Peter Johnson, Alison Hayward, Justine Durno, Theodore Estrin-Serlui, Marion Mafham, Ian S D Roberts
17 January 2022
Comparison of T-cell immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) protein using an in-house flow-cytometric assay in laboratory employees with and without previously confirmed COVID-19 in South Africa: nationwide cross-sectional studyCathrine van Rooyen, Marieke Brauer, Petri Swanepoel, Sylvia van den Berg, Cassandre van der Merwe, Marischa van der Merwe, Robin Green, Piet Becker
17 January 2022